نگاهی دیگر، نگاه ما
خیلی وقتها در زندگی لازم است که از نگاهی دیگر به قضایا بنگریم، از زاویه‌ای جدید. نگاه ما باید نگاهی دیگر بشود و نگاهی دیگر نگاه ما
Johann Sebastian Bach
مطلب را به بالاترین بفرستید: Balatarin
Blogger هما said...
Salam ,
man ro bebakhshid ke injoori minevisam. emkane type farsi nadaram.
dar morede soaletoon marboot be commmenti ke too webloge gooshzad gozashtam:
I believe "credit" is based on what someone has done or achieved not based on what he/she promises to do. As far as I know, UN or any other organisation in the world with "peaceful" goals has not done or better say has not been able to do anything to stop wars anywhere in the world. No matter how "beautiful" they visualise the future world but they have no credit.
Same for our so called country. They say they have peaceful targets but no one believes them as they have not proved it yet.

Blogger هما said...
سلام مجدد
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